Suffering from silence 🤭

Silence is good if it can calm your mind or take you to the level of peace. Silence is healthy for relationships in certain limit but if it goes beyond limit, it can destroy our relationships. We think that silence is better than unnecessary conversation, I also agree with that in certain limit. But we... Continue Reading →

Be Inclusive - By Neel.R (Guest Post) We live in such a diverse society which means we have people with different age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, education, marital status, language, and physical appearance. You can't deny anyone's thoughts or view or opinion about any matter. Everyone can be correct on their... Continue Reading →


Forgive others is as important as forgive yourself. Why is this so important ? Why can not be just let it go ? So many questions like this comes up in our mind. We think that why forgive someone is so hard. Because that time our heart says.......forgive him/her but our mind says......No stop it,... Continue Reading →

Happy and healthy relationship is the key of successful life . Everyone wants to be successful Life and have happy and healthy relationships but things changes over time. In the beginning every relation looks good but not in the future. why is this happens? Sometimes we don’t realise that what did we do wrong? What... Continue Reading →

I Am Always Right…..

Have you ever notice your thinking pattern. Perhaps Most of us have same thinking pattern. We carry beliefs about what is right and what is wrong and we keep holding these beliefs for years. These beliefs are deeply rooted in ourself. No one can easily change them. That’s why when someone would disagree with our... Continue Reading →

BALANCE IS THE KEY OF HAPPY LIFE Relationships are important to us. We need to maintain balance between personal and professional life. It is a part of our life. How can we maintain balance between work and personal life? As long as we think, so many questions come out from our minds. This is a... Continue Reading →

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